Projects Catch Up Github • Live Social networking application, inspired by Facebook. Single-page Backbone.js application consuming RESTful JSON Rails API. Houses an entity-ranking search feature powered by Redis as a cache store. Delivers ranked search results for 10,000 users in an average time of < 50ms. Extends the Backbone View class with a custom CompositeView class to optimize browser speed and keep the code DRY Asteroids Github • Live Classic single user online game inspired by Atari’s Asteroids built using Javascript and jQuery. Uses vector algebra and trigonometry to enable dynamic object movement and collisions. Smooth rendering of graphics at 60 FPS using HTML5 Canvas API. Chess Github Beginner friendly CLI game implemented with Ruby, focused towards OOP concepts. Houses a Articially Intelligent CPU player powered by Minimax algorithm and alpha-beta prunning. Used IO/Console and Colorize gems to implement a convenient interface for user input. Multi-level class inheritance structure to DRY up code.